ircd-hybrid-7-bg (NEW! v1.4, gateway support, bridging networks)
- client hostname (partial) cloaking, fully configurable
- cyrillic-to-latin translation for Windows-1251 and ISO-8859-5
- colorstrip chanmode +c, flood protection pacing chanmode +x
- word substitution chanmode +w, no-repeating chanmode +z
- full support of hybserv-bg, my hybserv2 mod (see below):
- SVSNICK for NickServ nick enforcement
- SVSHINT for services reg nick flags indication
- SVSHOST for dynamic spoof (virtual host) support
- chamodes +R/+M/+C and umode +R, similar to DALnet's
- WATCH server-side notify system, superior to ISON
- drone auto-detect and auto-kline, fully configurable
- moded NICK and CLIENT messages, remote proxy check
- client SSL support, dedicated sslport
- remote UNKLINEs
- new CAPs: MASK, IP, SVS, and more...
hybserv-bg (NEW! soon with ImServ - ICQ & MSN instant messaging)
- SeenServ, helping users to keep track of their friends
- HostServ, virtual user hosts with ban-evading and abuse control
- secure NickServ usage with 2 passwords, emergency only
- nickname enforcement ala DALnet (not killing but changing nick)
- full support of ircd-hybrid-7-bg (chan- and umodes, see above)
- multiple enhancements in all services bots
- dual language help system, and more...